Thursday, October 7, 2010

No Why

There is no "Why?". No reason why. Here are some questions without answers:
1. Why does it rain?
2. Why don't you buy a new pair of shoes?
3. Why are we alive?
4. Why did she have to die?
5. Why did my parents choose to get married?
The why question can have no answer. It can be answered only once it is translated into a how question:
1. How does it rain?
2. How don't you buy a new pair of shoes?
3. How are we alive?
4. How did she have to die?
5. How did my parents choose to get married?
These questions invite exploration into the ways in which things occur, behave and produce other things.

If "Why?" is represented as a circle and "How?" is represented as another circle, the two circles would overlap 80%. The non-overlapping part of the "Why" circle represents our infantile self which seeks pleasure in contact with the unknown. Those who study the Bible are stuck in the infantile investment in the why. Because / because of / in order for, these are the Bible's favorite concepts.  They provide the naive their simple-minded answers to why. The non-overlapping part of the "How?" circle represents  our scientific self, which seeks knowledge, understanding and predictability through study of the known.

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