Monday, September 13, 2010

Marching Against Cancer

Why march for a cure to cancer? A recent case cited in the daily papers showed that 500 dangerous man-made chemicals were present in a single fat cell of a seemingly healthy 30-year-old female living in Britain today. By comparison, a single cell of an Egyptian mummy contained none. Despite the many scientific breakthroughs over the last five decades, we have seen a steady increase in killer diseases such as cancers, heart disease and diabetes. Could this increase be related to the constant chemical cocktail that has become a routine part of modern life? The number of products used by adults and children that contain potential carcinogens and other dangerous chemicals has become alarming. No one marched for a cure to the lung cancer that tobacco causes. Instead, strict sanctions and heavy taxes were imposed on tobacco companies. Marching for a cure to cancer today makes as little sense as marching for a cure to tobacco-caused disease would have made back then. Want to march? Then march for the imposition of strict control over the chemicals that you eat, drink and breathe every minute of every day. The American Cancer Society is part of the problem as it focuses attention on curing preventable disease while creating a cancer-industrial complex whose incentives place them on the same side of the problem as the Exxons, the Monsantos and the Macdonalds' Stop the chemical industry, the pesticide industry, the preservative and processed foods industries. March for that, demand that!

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